Tuesday, July 15, 2014

First 'Big Hero 6' Trailer And Character Posters Released

The first official Big Hero 6 trailer was released today!!  This is the perfect time for it, considering it's just a couple weeks before the panel for the movie at Comic Con.  Have a look!

This is a such a great trailer!  We get to see a lot of our main characters, Baymax and Hiro, interact, as well as a little of the side characters.  We see a little of the villain, but not too much.  I love that we don't hear him talk at all, we just see him look menacing (and what a cool design!  I love the mask!)  Best of all, it gives us a little bit of the plot to keep us interested, but not too much where it feels like it's giving anything away.  I'm willing to bet later trailers will be a lot more plot heavy, so this will be the last one I watch until the movie comes out.  Oh, that's going to be so hard...

We also got really cool character posters and descriptions from USAToday and Oh My Disney.  The article on Oh My Disney includes some voice cast info for other characters outside of our main heroes.  It's interesting to note that Alan Tudyk, who voiced villains King Candy in Wreck It Ralph and the Duke of Wesselton in Frozen, is returning yet again to voice a character in Big Hero 6 named Alistair Krei...the villain, perhaps?  I wonder if he's become Disney Animation's good luck charm, like John Ratzenberger is for Pixar.  Perhaps Comic Con will shed some light on that mystery.  But for now, this movie looks so great so far, and I'm far more hyped for this than I ever was for Frozen!

From USAToday:
Like the 18-year-old playing him, Hiro is a half-Japanese, half-Caucasian kid with energy to spare. Luckily for his hometown, though, Hiro is also a super-genius who turns his nurse robot, Baymax, into a formidable, action-movie presence when a threat arises. And while he doesn't have any actual superpowers per se, Hiro dons a flight suit with a red circle on the glove that magnetically connects to the back of Baymax, and they can act as a tag team in battle, Hall says. "They're symbiotic in that way."

From Oh My Disney:

 Robotics prodigy Hiro Hamada has the mind of a genius—and the heart of a 14-year-old: his state-of-the-art battle-bots dominate the underground bot fights held in the dark corners of San Fransokyo. Fortunately, big brother Tadashi redirects Hiro’s brilliance, inspiring him to put his brain to the test in a quest to gain admission to the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. When a tragic event changes everything, Hiro turns to a robot named Baymax, and they form an unbreakable bond—and two-sixths of a band of high-tech heroes on a very important mission.

From USAToday:
Because the character was so special to the filmmakers, they cast a wide net to find the right performer. Adsit, a comedian and former star of 30 Rock, brings both comedy and humanity to Baymax, who evolves from a passive robot into a figure ready for a fight. Adsit has such sharp timing, Williams says, that "there are moments when there's real emotion that seems to poke through without breaking the rules of Baymax being a robot."

From Oh My Disney:

Baymax cares. That’s what he was designed to do. The plus-sized inflatable robot’s job title is technically Healthcare Companion: With a simple scan, Baymax can detect vital stats, and, given a patient’s level of pain, can treat nearly any ailment. Conceived and built by Tadashi Hamada, Baymax just might revolutionize the healthcare industry. But to the inventor’s kid brother Hiro, the nurturing, guileless bot turns out to be more than what he was built for—he’s a hero, and quite possibly Hiro’s closest friend. And after some deft reprogramming that includes a rocket fist, super strength and rocket thrusters that allow him to fly, Baymax becomes one of the Big Hero 6.

From USAToday:
Miller, a scholar of storytelling and comedy, melds humor and nerdiness for Fred, a big sci-fi and comic-book geek, Hall says. Fred's really into monster movies, and he inhabits a huge, tentacled "Fredzilla" creature suit — piloted from one of its three eyes — that's designed to be an homage to Godzilla and other Japanese kaiju movies of old. It can do some amazing things, too, Hall says. "He can jump really high, and he breathes wicked fire out of that mouth."

From Oh My Disney:

Fanboy Fred comes off like a laid-back dude with no direction. But this sign-twirling, monster-loving, comic-book aficionado is sure to go places—when he’s good and ready. For example, Fred doesn’t hesitate to join “Big Hero 6,” and he has a lot of ideas for his super-hero skillset, too. His ferocious, fire-breathing alter ego comes complete with claws, integrated communications and a super bounce. But his sign-spinning may still come in handy.

From USAToday:
Hall wanted a woman of few words for the group, and Go Go is a laconic Clint Eastwood type and industrial-engineering student who's pretty tough from the get-go. "The rest of the team are pretty hapless initially," he says. "She's the only one who can take care of herself." She has also developed a bike with magnetic-levitation technology, which Hiro incorporates into her supersuit. "She can roll around on these mag-lev discs, and they can detach on a whim and become blades she can throw."

From Oh My Disney:

Aptly named Go Go Tomago knows what it takes to be fast. She’s tough, athletic and loyal to the bone, but not much of a conversationalist. Popping bubble gum and delivering well-placed sarcasm are totally her speed. The daredevil adrenaline junkie is at her best on wheels, and when Go Go joins forces with Big Hero 6, she rolls like never before, using maglev discs as wheels, shields and throwing weapons.

From USAToday:
This poor guy doesn't know what to do when first faced with battling evil, though he does have really cool plasma-induced lasers that come out of his arms. "When those things turn on, they can cut through anything," Hall says. The conservative dude is the most cautious about his do-gooder role. "He's this huge guy, but his whole thing is precision and rules, and by the end of the movie, he moves away from that and embraces the chaos of what being a superhero is all about."

From Oh My Disney:

Wasabi is committed to precision. He’s super smart and just a touch neurotic, but the big and burly neatnik can’t help but join the cause when Hiro needs him most. As part of “Big Hero 6,” Wasabi amplifies his martial arts skills with jaw-dropping plasma blade weaponry. Sharp doesn’t even begin to describe this guy.

From USAToday:
A chemistry student, Honey is the glue that holds the group together because of her empathetic, sweet personality and positive attitude. While that — and her girlie duds — doesn't exactly scream superhero material, she goes through one of the sharpest evolutions of the bunch, Williams says. Plus, Rodriguez herself is smart and was into science and robotics in school, Hall adds. "She brings some of that goofy, slightly geeky but joyful thing to the character."

From Oh My Disney:

It’s elemental when it comes to chemistry whiz HONEY LEMON. Don’t let her glasses and funky fashion fool you: Honey may be as sweet as her namesake, but she has a fire in her belly and a can-do attitude that make her pretty much unstoppable. Her knowledge of alchemy proves powerful, too, when the effusive brainiac becomes part of the Big Hero 6 and creates clever concoctions that when thrown, can get her team out of nearly any jam.

All of these characters sound so fun and interesting!  Big Hero 6 sounds like a great addition to the world of superhero movies.  What do you think?  

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